Let’s Know About Belgorod State National Research University
Belgorod State National Research University - A wonderful experience waiting to be explored!
BelSU Established in the year 1876, BelSU is one of 29 leading universities in the Russian Federation possessing the status of a National Research University achieved in 2010.
BELGOROD STATE NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY In 2009 our university became the base institution of the University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
QS University Rankings: BRICS
Ranks among TOP-200 – position 151-200 (2015)
QS University Rankings: Emerging Europe and Central Asia - 2015
Ranks among TOP-150 of the best universities of Europe and Central Asia at 141-150th place
Russian universities ranking of European Scientific and Industrial Chamber European Standard ARES – 2016:
36 place among 173 best universities of Russia
Webometrics Ranking of World Universities:
BelSU electronic archive – 4 th place among Russian electronic archives and 812th place
Webometrics Ranking of World Universities –
The first half of 2016: 20th place among 1306 universities and scientific organizations of Russia 1777th place among 11 999 universities of the world
QS University EECA 2020
World Ranking -167